MoreMilkIT - Food Demand and Individual Dietary Diversity and Women's Empowerment in Livestock Index (WELI) in Tanzania


More milk by and for the poor: Adapting dairy market hubs for pro-poor smallholder value chains in Tanzania (MoreMilkIT).

The MoreMilkiT project aims to achieve inclusive growth and reduced poverty and vulnerability among people with dairy- dependent livelihoods in selected rural areas in Tanzania. The project is primarily targeted at pre-commercial marginalized smallholder cattle-keeping men and women who do not currently participate fully in dairy value chains. The WELI is a survey that covers some key indicators of empowerment in relation to dairy development in Tanzania. The aim is to assess changes in women empowerment over time and relate this to the nutrition status of the household members (the nutrition survey). The survey was conducted in 201 households across the 4 MoreMilkIT project districts (Lushoto, Handeni, Kilosa and Mvomero).


Amos Omore, Isabelle Baltenweck, Paula Salas, Alessandra Galiè, Amy girard webb, Violet Barasa, Julius Githinji, Eunice Kariuki. (31/12/2016). MoreMilkIT - Food Demand and Individual Dietary Diversity and Women's Empowerment in Livestock Index (WELI) in Tanzania [Food and Nutrition data].


  • Omore, Amos
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle
  • Salas, Paula
  • Galiè, Alessandra
  • Girard Webb, Amy
  • Barasa, Violet
  • Githinji, Julius
  • Kariuki, Eunice