Bullock, R. 2020. Gender and sustainable land management. Poster prepared for the Virtual Livestock CRP Planning Meeting, 8-17 June 2020. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Environmental and food security implications of livestock abortions and calf mortality: a case study in Kenya and Tanzania
Gurmu, Endale B.
Bronsvoort, B.
Cook, Elizabeth A.J.
Lankester, F.
Özkan, Ş.
Rosenstein, P.K.
Semango, G.
Wheelhouse, N.
Wilkes, A.
Arndt, Claudia
One Health scientific conference: International practices and lessons learned for Vietnam
Vietnam One Health Partnership
International Livestock Research Institute
Protecting people, animals and the environment through responsible pesticide use: Workshop report
Gelan, Eyob
Alemayehu, Gezahegn
Berhe, Tsega
Doyle, Rebecca
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing to Detect Prosopis juliflora Invasion: Environmental Drivers and Community Insights in Rangelands of Kenya
Paliwal, Ambica
Mhelezi, Magdalena
Galgallo, Diba
Banerjee, Rupsha R.
Malicha, Wario
Whitbread, Anthony M.
Kapiti Research Station and Wildlife Conservancy
International Livestock Research Institute
Rangeland Biophysical Resource Assessment in Southern Ethiopia: Baseline Study Report