Collective tenure of pastoral land in Sudan: Evidence from North Kordofan


This study focused on ‘perceived’ tenure security, i.e. how secure people feel. This recognised that perceived tenure security can be a function of formal (legal) recognition of access and use rights, as well as an individual or group’s experiences. Findings at community level include: a description of the pastoral community and collective land under study; the de facto tenure system at community level; the characteristics of the local tenure system, perceived tenure security and factors that affect community perceptions; and differences for individuals vis-à-vis the collective.


Sulieman, H.M., Omar Adam, Y. and Naile, S. 2024. Collective tenure of pastoral land in Sudan: evidence from North Kordofan. London: Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises (SPARC).


  • Sulieman, H.M.
  • Omar Adam, Y.
  • Naile, S.