CIRNA - CIRcularity of Nutrients in Agroecosystems and co-benefits for animal and human health
Improved sorghum and pearl millet forage cultivars for intensifying dairy systems
Fodder markets in East Java: Identifying interventions to improve market performance and quality
Surveillance and early-warning systems for climate-sensitive diseases in Vietnam and Laos (Pestforecast)
LegumeCHOICE: Realizing the underexploited potential of multi-purpose legumes towards improved livelihoods and a better environment in crop-livestock systems in East and Central Africa
N2Africa Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa
N2Africa Phase II (Ethiopia)
Agricultural Innovation Program for Pakistan
Integrating Crops and Livestock for Improved Food Security and Livelihoods in Zimbabwe (ZimCLIFS)
Integrating crops and livestock for improved food security and livelihoods in rural Zimbabwe
Fodder and feed in livestock value chains in Ethiopia – trends and prospects
Gender and climate-risk consideration for research on crop-livestock systems in Africa