Improving water productivity of crop-livestock systems of the Sub-Saharan Africa
The purpose of this project is to optimize productive use of water to help increase incomes of small scale farmers. It also seeks to improve the environment within crop livestock systems in the semi-arid areas of Southern Africa and the Blue Nile Basin.
Water productivity can be increased through more appropriate livestock management in crop livestock systems. Livestock represent a huge potential for increased income due to the rapidly growing demand for livestock products. However, there is a profound lack of understanding of how animals interact with water resources. This leads to a clear and urgent need to demonstrate the intervention options from the farm to the policy scale that can result in improved water productivity and prevent land degradation. The project targets users at all levels including farmers, national research agencies, water managers, irrigation planners, development and extension authorities by providing planning and management tools to improve productivity of scarce water resources. The project will produce public goods for the global research community in agriculture and development. Objectives o Produce strategies for farmers, water managers, Irrigation planners and development and extension authorities. o Produce public goods for the global research community in agriculture and development. o Provide an evaluation tool for local planning and agricultural extension officers, district agricultural officers and farmer and livestock owners.