Cereal System Initiative South Asia (CSISA)
This project seeks to decrease hunger and malnutrition and to increase food and income security of resource-poor farm families in South Asia through the accelerated development and inclusive deployment of new varieties, sustainable management technologies, and policies.
The Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) was established in 2009 to promote durable change at scale in South Asia’s cereal-based cropping systems. CSISA supports regional and national efforts to improve cereal production growth in South Asia’s Indo-Gangetic Plains, home to the region’s most important grain baskets. Operating in rural “innovation hubs” in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal, CSISA involves more than 300 public, civil society, and private sector partners in the development and dissemination of improved cropping systems, resource-conserving management technologies, new cereal varieties and hybrids, livestock feeding strategies and feed value chains, aquaculture systems, and policies and markets.
ILRI is a partner in CSISA Bangladesh, India, and Nepal, and leads CSISA’s livestock activities.