Joseph Auma is a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at Policy Institution and Livelihood (PIL) Program at ILRI and working for two USAID Feed the Future programmes- Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) and Kenya Crops and Dairy Market System Development Activity (KCDMSDA). The two development programmes are under Impact at Scale Directorate. Before joining ILRI, Joseph worked for Ministry of Agriculture for 20 years as an agricultural extensionist promoting improved agricultural technologies to smallholder farmers in many rural districts of Kenya and rising from Junior Agricultural Officer to Assistant Director of Agriculture and head of Department. Joseph also worked as Independent Consultant for many development programmes and projects including research institutions conducting farming systems studies, resettlement plans, baseline and impact evaluation studies, value chain analysis- using qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Joseph has a strong background on research methodologies, production economics and econometric modeling. Current research interest includes gender and agricultural production, soil fertility management in smallholder farms, impact evaluation of dairy technologies on farmers welfare-food security, nutrition and income. Joseph is a graduate of Agricultural Economics (MSc and BSc) from Egerton University Kenya and have attended several short courses on management and others related to the field of rural development.
Currently, Joseph is working on Dairy and Dairy feed value chain, "Gender Differentials on the Outcomes and Impacts of Dairy technologies in selected pre-commercial dairy counties of Kenya".