Braja Bandhu Swain is an agricultural economist with interests in farming systems, value-chain and impact assessment within the Policies, Institutions and Livelihoods (PIL) program. He has completed his PhD on Agriculture Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India. He contributed to various research projects on crop-livestock interactions and intensification pathways in South Asia. He is interested in the investigation of how farming households and communities take decisions in adoption of new technology in different scenarios and how market incentives can accelerate the adoption of different innovations and their impacts. He worked on various integrated research projects that implemented in coordination with other CG centre like IRRI, IFPRI and CIMMYT. He has implemented different projects successfully in India and Bangladesh, and established innovation platform among different stakeholders to scale out the new technologies. While recognizing the importance of market demand driving adoption decisions, he has sought the active involvement of public and private development actors with the aim of ensuring sustainability and identifying options for scaling up interventions. Presently, he strengthened his involvement in value-chain, adoption and impact assessment research. He is a valuable member of ILRI, handling both practical issues such as the organization and monitoring of primary data collection and field interventions as well as theoretical aspects. He has published various research papers relating to farming systems, livestock, and livelihood in different peer-reviewed journals. His research areas of interest are value-chain, mixed-farming, gender economics and institutional economics.