Maziwa Zaidi / More Milk in Tanzania (Phase 2) - Scoping Study and Market Agent (Agripreneur) Baseline Survey and Women in Livestock Business Baseline Survey (WELBI)
Maziwa Zaidi Phase II (2019-2021) is centred around a catalytic core project titled “Agri-entrepreneurship, technology uptake and inclusive dairy development in Tanzania”. The project aims to catalyze uptake of “proven” dairy technology packages that improve the livelihoods of small holder farmers. It will do so by consolidating previous research to date and translating it into an integrated package of pilot interventions. The pilot interventions will generate the evidence needed to attract public and private development investment to take them to scale.
This dataset contains (1) an initial scoping survey of agripreneurs in project intervention areas, (2) a baseline survey of selected agri-preneurs (intervention and control) to understand the profiles of the actors in the non-producer dairy value chains node and (3) a baseline survey of women agri-preneurs (intervention and control) using the Women in Livestock Business (WELBI) survey tool.
Amos Omore, Immaculate Omondi, James Rao, Julie Ojango, Solomon Mwendia, Godfrey Ngoteya, Adolf Jeremiah, Neema Urassa, Walter Magesho, Jennifer Gitau, Elizabeth Poole, Alessandra Galiè. (18/1/2022). Maziwa Zaidi / More Milk in Tanzania (Phase 2) - Scoping Study and Market Agent (Agripreneur) Baseline Survey and Women in Livestock Business Baseline Survey (WELBI) [Socio-Economic Survey Data].