Phenotypic and genomic characterisation of performance of tropically adapted chickens raised in smallholder farm conditions in Ethiopia
Morris, K.M.
Sutton, K.
Girma, Mekonnen
Sánchez-Molano, E.
Solomon, B.
Esatu, Wondmeneh
Dessie, Tadelle
Vervelde, L.
Psifidi, A.
Hanotte, Olivier H.
Banos, G.
Landscape genomics reveals regions associated with adaptive phenotypic and genetic variation in Ethiopian indigenous chickens
Getachew, Fasil
Derks, M.F.L.
Dessie, Tadelle
Hanotte, Olivier H.
Barros, C.P.
Crooijmans, R.P.M.A.
Komen, H.
Bastiaansen, J.W.M.
Theory of change for the chicken value chain in Kenya developed for the CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion
Yitayih, Mulugeta
Poole, Elizabeth J.
Ouko, Edward
Esatu, Wondmeneh
Getachew, Fasil
Geremew, Kumlachew
Girma, Mekonnen
Yemane, Tsion
Ochieng, Laurence
Marshall, Karen
Dessie, Tadelle
Enhancing technical capacity on smallholder poultry development: Guidelines for developing a capacity development roadmap in SAPLING and other Tropical Poultry Genetics Solution (TPGS) countries
Yitayih, Mulugeta
Getachew, Fasil
Dessie, Tadelle
Evolution and scope of rural and agricultural finance in developing countries: A review
Yitayih, Mulugeta
Kassie, Girma T.
Dessie, Tadelle
Establishing farmer groups and linking smallholder farmers with input and output markets: A guide for smallholder based poultry production in the tropics
Yitayih, Mulugeta
Kassie, Girma T.
Dessie, Tadelle
Role of markets and consumers’ preferences in improved native chicken demand in Cambodia
Esatu, Wondmeneh
Hoa Hoang
Menghak Phem
Sothyra Tum
Chhay Ty
Yitayih, Mulugeta
Yemane, Tsion
Dessie, Tadelle
Agroecologies defined by species distribution models improve model fit of genotype by environment interactions to identify the best performing chicken breeds for smallholder systems
Getachew, Fasil
Komen, Hans
Dessie, Tadelle
Hanotte, Olivier H.
Kemp, Stephen J.
Worku, Setegn
Bastiaanssen, Wim G.M.
Asian Chicken Genetic Gains (AsCGG): A platform for exploring, testing and delivering improved chickens for enhanced livelihood outcomes in South East Asia