2023Policies and Design Processes to Enable TransformationPereira, LauraVrettos, ChrisCramer, Laura K.Drimie, ScottMuiderman, KarlijnSchapendonk, FransStringer, Lindsay C.Veeger, MariekeVervoort, Joost M.Wamukoya, George
2023Opportunities to quantify resilience of dairy cattle to environmental stressors in Sub-Saharan AfricaOloo, Richard DoosoEkine-Dzivenu, Chinyere C.Ojango, Julie M.K.Gebreyohanes, GebregziabherMrode, Raphael A.Okeyo Mwai, AllyChagunda, Mizeck G.G.
2020Use of the infection and treatment method in the control of East Coast fever in Kenya: Does gender matter for adoption and impact?Jumba, HumphreyTeufel, NilsBaltenweck, IsabelleHaan, Nicoline C. deKiara, Henry K.Owuor, G.
2020A scoping review of feed interventions and livelihoods of small-scale livestock keepersBaltenweck, IsabelleCherney, D.Duncan, Alan J.Eldermire, E.Lwoga, E.T.Labarta, Ricardo AntonioRao, E.J.O.Staal, Steven J.Teufel, Nils
2020Importance of livestock manure in crop production in TanzaniaKorir, LukeTeufel, NilsKiara, Henry K.
2020Stimulating smallholder dairy market and livestock feed improvements through local innovation platforms in the Himalayan foothills of IndiaRavichandran, ThanammalTeufel, NilsCapezzone, FilippoBirner, ReginaDuncan, Alan J.
2020Guide pédagogique de l’enquête sur l’indice d’autonomisation des femmes dans l’élevage (WELI)Galiè, AlessandraTeufel, NilsKariuki, EuniceOmondi, Immaculate A.
2020Monitoring and evaluation and impact assessment in the Livestock CRPAltshul, Helen J.Poole, Elizabeth J.Kanyuuru, CarolineNjehu, AliceTeufel, Nils
2020Providing evidence for the impact of the ITM vaccineTeufel, NilsKorir, LukeKiara, Henry K.Hammond, JamesWijk, Mark T. van
2020Benchmarking of sustainable intensification at landscape and household levelsHammond, JamesWijk, Mark T. vanTeufel, Nils