Determinants of survival and growth of tree lucerne (Chamaecytisus palmensis) in the crop-livestock farming systems of the Ethiopian highlands
Mekonnen, Kindu
Jogo, W.
Bezabih, Melkamu
Mulema, Annet A.
Thorne, Peter J.
Variations in food-fodder traits of bread wheat cultivars released for the Ethiopian highlands
Bezabih, Melkamu
Adie, Aberra
Ravi, D.
Prasad, Kodukula V.S.V.
Jones, Christopher S.
Geleta, B.
Tadesse, Z.
Zegeye, H.
Solomon, T.
Blümmel, Michael
Competition for land resources: Driving forces and consequences in crop-livestock production systems of the Ethiopian highlands
Mekuria, Wuletaw
Mekonnen, Kindu
Thorne, Peter J.
Bezabih, Melkamu
Tamene, Lulseged D.
Abera, Wuletawu
Experiences of producing irrigated forages
Adie, Aberra
Yitayew, A.
Demeke, B.
Ferede, Y.
Yeheyis, Likawent
Bezabih, Melkamu
Schmitter, Petra S.
Blümmel, Michael
Lessons from pilot trials with small-scale irrigated forage production in the Amhara Region: Potential of integrating the perennial forage Napier grass with Desmodium and Pigeon Pea in cropping systems
Adie, Aberra
Yitayew, A.
Demeke, B.
Ferede, Y.
Yeheyis, Likawent
Bezabih, Melkamu
Schmitter, Petra S.
Blümmel, Michael
Lessons from small-scale irrigated forage production trials: Potential of annual oat-vetch mixtures
Bezabih, Melkamu
Adie, Aberra
Gemiyu, D.
Zeleke, B.
Schmitter, Petra S.
Blümmel, Michael
Animal feed production, processing and marketing: A case for public-private partnership
Yemane, B.
Aklilu, Y.
Eshete, T.
Bezabih, Melkamu
Adie, Aberra
Blümmel, Michael
Feed the Future Innovation Lab on Small Scale Irrigation (ILSSI): Ethiopia, Ghana, and Tanzania
Blümmel, Michael
Bezabih, Melkamu
Adie, Aberra
Amole, Tunde A.
Preference of goats (Capra hircus L.) for tanniniferous browse species available in semi-arid areas in Ethiopia