ILRI@50 in Vietnam

ILRI@50 in Vietnam

50th Anniversary Celebration and Introduction of ILRI’s New Organizational Strategy


General information

Livestock systems are at the heart of the most complex development challenges that the world grapples with today, from improving food security and livelihoods to addressing climate change and mitigating the threat of pandemic disease. These challenges must be addressed in the context of increasingly frequent, complex, interrelated, and often unexpected drivers. It is clear livestock systems must change to mitigate harm to the climate, environment, and human health. But they need to do this in a way that is socially just, does not compromise their multiple benefits of livestock for development, and meets an anticipated growing demand for animal products – particularly in Africa and Asia.

As one of the 15 research centers of CGIAR, ILRI closely collaborates with partners to conduct livestock research addressing these complex challenges—not only to provide more meat, milk, and eggs but also to engage directly in the global livestock system to create broad benefits for human development and planetary sustainability.

Objectives of the celebration

On the occasion of its 50th anniversary in October 2024, ILRI and its predecessor organizations, along with its partners, will launch ILRI’s third Organizational Strategy. Additionally, ILRI will collaborate with MARD to organize a series of events to highlight research contributions toward building equitable livestock systems and contributing to the transformation of food systems for climate and environmental benefits. 

The new strategy, "Unlocking the Potential of Sustainable Livestock through Research for Better Lives and a Greener Planet" (2024–2030), outlines a new pathway for research, benefiting more than 300 million people (from farmers and producers to consumers) in countries in the Global South through sustainable livestock solutions that contribute to food system transformation in the context of the climate crisis. 

  • Recognizing five decades of cooperation, research, and engagement that have made impacts and achievements through livestock research.
  • Announcing the New Strategy: Unlocking the Potential of Sustainable Livestock through Research for Better Lives and a Greener Planet (2024–2030).
  • Raising awareness about livestock research for development, contributing to food system transformation for climate and environmental benefits.
  • Calling for collaboration, participation, and support to implement ILRI’s new organizational strategy globally.


A new corporate strategy 2024-2030

Building on 50 years of research and partnerships, ILRI's new strategy aims to transform food systems, improve climate and environmental health, and support 300 million people with sustainable livestock solutions.

Highlights of the new strategy