News Archive

Setting up a soil analytical laboratory at University of Kabianga

Setting up a soil analytical laboratory at University of Kabianga

Climate-smart livestock systems program kicks off in Kenya’s pastoral rangelands

Senior Kenya government officials visit ILRI’s Kapiti Research Station

Senior Kenya government officials visit ILRI’s Kapiti Research Station

Livestock route mapping for improved health of humans, animals and the environment

ILRI trains East Africa officials on measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock systems

ILRI trains East Africa officials on measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock systems

Livestock in Kenya


Eyes in the sky: Kenya's government provides pastoralists with livestock insurance through satellite imagery

ILRI 'eWeigh' mobile phone app to help farmers accurately estimate live weight of their cattle

ILRI ‘eWeigh’ mobile phone app to help farmers accurately estimate live weight of their cattle

Where does the methane in the atmosphere come from?

Where does the methane in the atmosphere come from?