News Archive

Kenya’s Robin Mbae on livestock and climate change at Berlin’s Global Forum for Food and Agriculture

Cash Crop: Women Farmers in Kenya Beat Drought with Native Grass

​’If you care about agriculture, you care about livestock’—Bill Gates

DFID/UKAid fund British, ILRI, African genetics research to advance African livestock development

Agriculture can rein in greenhouse gas emissions ‘immediately’, say UN and CGIAR

Rent a womb, the power to sharing animal resources to build the livelihoods of a community

Village-based dairy advisor Priscilla Ouma launches a ‘restore milk campaign’

The power of semen: better semen, better calves, better lives – Quinter and Charles Migot’s story

In pursuit of low-emissions cows—ILRI’s Jimmy Smith and John Goopy on transforming ‘idling’ cows to climate-smart animals ‘zooming down the highway’