Publications Archive

Whole-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 reveals diverse mutations in circulating Alpha and Delta variants during the first, second and third waves of COVID-19 in South Kivu, east of the Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Ntagereka, P.B.
  • Oyola, Samuel O.
  • Baenyi, S.P.
  • Rono, Gilbert K.
  • Birindwa, A.B.
  • Shukuru, D.W.
  • Baharanyi, T.C.
  • Kashosi, T.M.
  • Buhendwa, J.C.
  • Bisimwa, P.B.
  • Kusinza, A.B.
  • Basengere, R.A.
  • Mukwege, D.

Indicators in the Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA) project

  • Desta, Hiwot
  • Knight-Jones, Theodore J.D.

Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa: Report of the Project Planning Workshop, 28-29 September 2022

  • Desta, Hiwot
  • Yussuf, Buke
  • Knight-Jones, Theodore J.D.

Overview of the Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA) project

  • Knight-Jones, Theodore J.D.
  • Caron, Alexandre
  • Karembu, Margaret
ILRI publication cover

The whole grain manifesto: From Green Revolution to Grain Evolution

  • Milani, Peiman
  • Torres-Aguilar, Pablo
  • Hamaker, Bruce
  • Manary, Mark
  • Abushamma, Suha
  • Laar, Amos
  • Steiner, Roy
  • Ehsani, Mehrdad
  • Parra, John de la
  • Skaven-Ruben, Daniel
  • Kock, Henriette de
  • Hawkes, Corinna
  • Covic, Namukolo M.
  • Mitchell, Chris
  • Taylor, John

COHESA Work Package 1 - One Health Status

  • Richards, Shauna
  • Fèvre, Eric M.

Manuel de formation à l’Epidémiologie Participative (EP) pour les formateurs

  • Olwande, Portas
  • Bimenyimana, Villard
  • Nyabongo, Lionel
  • Omore, Amos O.
  • Ntirandekura, Bosco
ILRI publication cover

The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19

  • Habermann, Birgit
  • Crane, Todd A.
  • Gichuki, Leah
  • Worku, Tigist
  • Mugumya, Roland
  • Maiyo, N.
  • Kiptoo, E.
  • Goshme, Shenkute
  • Mohammednur, F.
  • Geoffrey, T.
  • Satia, A.
  • Siamito, R.

Zimbabwe livestock market assessment report

  • Homann-Kee Tui, Sabine
  • Dube, Thabani
  • Chakoma, Irenie
  • Gadzirayi, Christopher
  • Pfukenyi, Davies M.
  • Dube, Sikhalazo