Update on International Land Coalition Rangelands Initiative—Global component
Flintan, Fiona E.
SRMP (Sustainable Rangeland Management Project) overview and update
Flintan, Fiona E.
Overview on ILRI’s technical support to partners implementing Sustainable Rangeland Management Project (SRMP)
Luambano, I.
Mwita, V.
Dungumaro, J.
Amos, M.
Flintan, Fiona E.
Solutions for managing and protecting rangelands: Ongoing research and innovations through R4D
Flintan, Fiona E.
Ericksen, Polly J.
Des Solutions pour aménager la gestion des pâturages: Recherches et innovations en cours par la recherche pour le développement
Flintan, Fiona E.
Ericksen, Polly J.
Joint Village Land Use Planning in Tanzania: A process to enhance the securing of rangelands and resolving land use conflicts
Mwita, V.C.
Kalenzi, D.
Flintan, Fiona E.
Governance of natural resources
Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.
Flintan, Fiona E.
Gender and the commons: Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project
Kisambu, N.
Flintan, Fiona E.
Daley, E.
Pallas, S.
Sustainable Rangeland Management Project, Tanzania