

Impact assessment of new foreign exchange directive on salaries .   
RFP No: ILRI-AA/SC/0011/24

The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is a non-profit institution helping people in low- and middle-income countries to improve their lives, livelihoods and lands through the animals that remain the backbone of small-scale agriculture and enterprise across the developing world. Specifically, ILRI works with partners to improve food and nutritional security and to reduce poverty and environmental degradation in developing countries through research for efficient, safe, and sustainable use of livestock. Employing more than 600 people, including scientists from more than 40 countries, ILRI is a CGIAR research center co-hosted by Kenya and Ethiopia and operating 11 other regional (4) and country (7) offices across Africa and Asia. 

  1. ILRI invites eligible consultancy firms to assess the impact of the new foreign exchange directive change on staff salaries by conducting a comprehensive survey on the impact of devaluation and inflation with comparator organizations.
  2. Bidders can access and download the complete RFP on the 2merkato Tenders webpage  https://tender.2merkato.com/tenders and also on ILRITenders webpage https://www.ilri.org/tenders.
  3. Questions regarding the RFP should be submitted in writing to  eth-purchasing@cgiar.org   no later than October 11, 2024, and ILRI will send answers to questions to all registered parties.
  4. Bidders must submit their comprehensive Technical and Financial Proposals electronically to the secure email account ilriettender@cgiar.org. Ensure that you write " Impact assessment of new foreign exchange directive" in the subject line without any modifications. Bids must be submitted on or before October 25, 2024. Bidders must receive an autoreply from the ilriettender@cgiar.org email for the successful submission of your bids; otherwise, you should contact ETH-Purchasing@cgiar.org for support.
  5. This invitation for bids extends to both national and international consulting firms possessing experience in conducting comparable salary-related surveys. For international consultants, a presence in Ethiopia is required, or collaboration with a local consulting firm that satisfies the requirements outlined in this RFP is necessary. Bidders are required to provide relevant and valid licenses, along with a detailed business profile and a comprehensive list of organizations served to date. 

Address: [Addis Ababa] CMC road near Gurdshola.
[P.O. Box:5689]
Phone: [+251-116-17-20-00]
Fax: [+251-116-17-20-01]
E-Mail: ETH-Purchasing@cgiar.org
ILRI reserves the right to reject any or all bids.