News Archive

Improved feeds transforming livestock production and livelihoods in Zimbabwe

The problem of using human medication to treat free-range poultry in Soroti, Uganda 

New One CGIAR initiative to transform livestock productivity, nutrition and gender inclusion in northwest Vietnam


Ethiopian lab scientists meet to compare notes on use of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to estimate livestock feed quality

Press release: New livestock-based initiative launched for better livelihoods, nutrition and gender inclusion in the Northwest Highlands of Vietnam

Thông cáo báo chí: Khởi động sáng kiến mới dựa vào chăn nuôi giúp cải thiện sinh kế, dinh dưỡng và hòa nhập giới ở vùng cao Tây Bắc

The status of pig welfare in selected districts of Uganda: implications for health and productivity interventions


FeedCalculator app and Good Manufacturing Practices and Quality Assurance Handbook to improve animal feed in Uganda

How DFAs are rejuvenating the dairy industry in Homa Bay and Siaya counties