Publications Archive

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Farmer-led Approach for Scaling Climate Change Adaptation in Kenya’s Smallholder Dairy Systems

  • Kiptoo, Emmaculate
  • Gichuki, Leah
  • Habermann, Birgit

Transforming Ethiopia’s forage seed system: Recommendations from a policy dialogue workshop among forage seed sector stakeholders

  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Bezabih, Melkamu
  • Solomon, Mwendia
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Turner, Michael
  • Feye, Getachew
  • Dejene, Mesfin
  • Berhanu, Tinsae
  • Abraham, Araya

Geospatial characterization of climate-smart agroforestry in two contrasting physiographic zones of Rwanda

  • Ntawuruhunga, D.
  • Ngowi, E.E.
  • Mangi, H.O.
  • Salanga, R.J.
  • Shikuku, Kelvin Mashisia

Commercialization of Forage Seed Business in Mixed Farming Systems of the Highlands of Ethiopia

  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Bezabih, Melkamu
  • Seifu, Haimanot

Introduction and Co-Evaluation of ILRI Gene Bank Forage Resources at Different Ecologies

  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Tulu, Solomon
  • Alemayehu, Lulseged
  • Tessema, Fikadu
  • Alene, Temesgen
  • Seifu, Haimanot
  • Whitbread, Anthony M.

Lemo Farming Household Typology: An Insight into the Challenges, Opportunities, Structural Barriers, and Risks of Different Farming Households

  • Caulfield, Mark E.
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Hammond, James

Pioneer farmers' role in scaling endogenous innovations from farm to farm

  • Habermann, Birgit

Cultivating Knowledge, Enhancing Productivity: Weekly Voice Messages Fostering Climate-Smart Livestock Practices in Ethiopia

  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Seifu, Haimanot

Sustainable smallholder crop-livestock systems: Farm diversification and intensification as pathways to development

  • Whitbread, Anthony M.
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Hammond, James
  • Wijk, Mark T. van
  • Worou, Nadine
  • Joseph, Emanuel
  • Kumar, Shalander